Wire Mesh
Canneled Sculptures
I started to sculp with wire mesh after receiving a message that I could bring Higher Vibrations closer to people by infusing energies flowing through me while working with the metal pieces. Metal is an energy conductor and it made sense. This was a total surprise for me, since I had been painting for more than 10 years and never thought of using another material in an intuitive way.
The amazing lightness and softness of this material produced beautiful dancing shapes that came flowing out of my hands. I could feel the energies cascading through me while I worked with bare hands and the shapes grew on their own and were so beautiful. Dolphins and whales came to play with me and there were dolphin people, mermaids, swimming with the whales, dancers, couples, and so much more.
There were wall sculptures and three dimention ones that stand on their own.
I spray them with gold and that keeps the energies in. Then I add color and play.
When you hold them, they transmit amazing energies and it is such a simple way to receive healing whenever you need it. Then you hang them back on the wall and they reflect out joy and love.